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How to Sell Crypto (UK)

Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Cryptocurrency with LondonLink: Quotation Process, Exchange Rates, and Payment Procedures.

Selling cryptocurrency with LondonLink is quick and easy.

You can request a quote:

  • "How much GBP/EUR for 0.1 bitcoin?"
  • "What's £1,000 of bitcoin worth in EUR?"
  •  "Trade 1000 USDC to GBP"

You will be provided an indicative quote showing:

  • Amount of crypto you're selling.
  • The current rate per coin.
  • Your trade total value in GBP or EUR  

For example: 

“Please see your quote below:

Amount: 0.1 BTC

Rate: 10,000 GBP/BTC

Total: 1,000 GBP

Would you like to lock this quote in and proceed?”

Type ‘lock’, ‘yes’, ‘take’ or other positive affirmation to proceed with the trade. 

We will provide our wallet address to send the crypto to. Once we receive the transaction and it has been confirmed, we send your payment. You are responsible for providing  the correct wallet address. 

All exchange rates are inclusive of spreads and fees. For specific information on your rates please see your dashboard here: client.londonlink.io/rates

Cryptocurrency transactions fees are paid by the sender, which vary depending on market conditions. 

For first-time trades, you will need to provide an electronic bank statement or screenshot showing your account details. We can only make payments to bank accounts when the name matches your verified ID. 

The buy crypto from Londonlink please follow the steps below:

  1. Register at client.londonlink.io/register
  2. Verify at client.londonlink.io/verification
  3. Speak to our friendly Broker team


Approved by Archax on 06/10/2023