Customer Educational Note 

Key Facts about LondonLink and Investing in Cryptoassets

Key Facts about LondonLink

LondonLink is registered in Gibraltar

LondonLink is registered as a Virtual Asset Arrangement Provider (VAAP) with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) in Gibraltar. This means that LondonLink can provide cryptoasset brokerage services from Gibraltar to customers around the world, including in the UK, even though we are not registered or regulated with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

LondonLink provides cryptoasset exchange/brokerage services

We have assessed all the cryptoassets we consider to be the most suitable for our customers. Currently, LondonLink customers can buy and sell Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC). LondonLink trades in Euros (EUR) and Pound Sterling (GBP).

We do not currently provide custodial services. This means that if a customer wants to trade cryptoassets with us, they must have their own cryptoasset wallet. Once a trade is complete, we send the purchased cryptoasset to the wallet address that our customer provides. At that point, the cryptoasset belongs to the customer, who is responsible for safely storing them. 

There are different cryptoasset storage solutions, each with their advantages and disadvantages. Our customers are encouraged to do their own research into which cryptoasset storage solution is most appropriate for them. 

Information about customers’ rights and obligations regarding our services can be found in our Terms & Conditions, which customers agree with when they register with LondonLink.

LondonLink does not provide advice

We strive to provide the best cryptoasset investment experience for our customers. However, we do not provide any financial or investment advice. Instead, we strongly recommend that all customers do their own research before they invest in cryptoassets.

Cryptoassets can be very volatile

The value of cryptoassets can be very volatile, meaning that their value can go sharply up and sharply down very quickly. Even “stablecoins” such as USDT and USDC, which are designed to maintain a stable value relative to the US Dollar, can sometimes “de-peg”, meaning that their value goes up or down compared with the US Dollar. As a result, it is possible for a customer to lose all the money that they have invested in cryptoassets.

Cryptoasset investing can be risky

All forms of investment carry risk. Usually, the more complex an investment, the more difficult it is to identify and assess all the risks. This applies to cryptoasset investments. We have done our own research into the risks associated with the cryptoassets that we offer but we still strongly encourage customers to carefully consider the risks before investing

Diversification can mitigate the risks

Investing in only one type of investment may be the preferred option for some investors. However, diversifying across a variety of investments and/or asset classes is generally considered an effective way of mitigating the impact of a particular investment performing badly. The FCA recommends that retail customers should invest no more than 10% of their net assets in restricted mass-market investments, such as cryptoassets. 

Always be vigilant

Investing in cryptoassets is very different to investing in mainstream investments such as publicly traded stocks and bonds. Terms like “blockchain”, “distributed ledger technology”, “wallets”, “addresses”, “private keys” and “public keys” etc can be confusing. However, there are a few critical points to remember:

  1. Always do your own research before investing in any cryptoasset.
  2. Only use services from reputable businesses.
  3. Be wary of adverts that promise high returns on cryptoasset investments, even when they might appear to be endorsed by celebrities.
  4. Ensure you have a safe method of storing your cryptoassets and you understand how it works.
  5. Do not share your “private keys'' with anyone. If you do, they get access to your cryptoassets and could steal them. Giving your private key to someone else is similar to giving them your front door key or your online banking password. 

Losses are not covered by any compensation scheme

You might have heard of the UK’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which pays out compensation in certain circumstances. For example, the FSCS will automatically compensate someone who holds money with a UK-authorised bank, building society or credit union. Please note that the FSCS does not apply to cryptoasset investments. Therefore, if your cryptoasset investments perform badly, you will not be entitled to any compensation under the FSCS

Similarly, if LondonLink ever became insolvent, it might be unable to continue trading with customers. Further, any cryptoassets, GBP or EUR that LondonLink held at that time for customers who were part-way through a trade could be lost.  

Please be patient

The way that most blockchains are designed means that cryptoasset transactions can take some time to complete. For example, most Bitcoin transactions take around 10 minutes to confirm. However, they can sometimes take longer, for example when the Bitcoin network has to process lots of transactions at the same time. 

Transactions can also be delayed as a result of an outage - for example, an outage to a blockchain’s infrastructure or at one of our service providers. 

We will always keep you informed of any delay affecting your cryptoasset transactions. 

How to make a complaint

We endeavour to provide an excellent service to all our customers. However, we might not always get it right. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please contact one of our brokers or email us at

Please note that the UK's Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will not be able to assist you with any complaint against LondonLink as we are not regulated in the UK.

Where to find more information

  • Our services - our website.
  • Our security measures - our summary.
  • A summary of the key risks of investing in cryptoassets - our Risk Warning.
  • How we collect and process customers’ personal data - our Privacy Policy.
  • Your rights and obligations regarding our services - our Terms & Conditions, which you agreed to when you registered with us.